A threat to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin has the leaders in that country up in arms.

The extent of the relationship between TikTok and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been shown in shocking detail in recent testimony to Congress.

President Biden is talking about one thing but doing another regarding green energy.

New Mexico is setting aside a lot of money to build wildlife overpasses.

Things heated up at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, on Monday when the new House Bill 2002 formed by House Speaker Dan Rayfield addressing reproductive health and gender-affirming care was open to the public for discussion.

Representative Bob Good has again pushed for new legislation to make English the official language of the United States.

Former President Trump has issued a dire warning stating that death and destruction might come if he is genuinely indicted and arrested.

One suburb of Denver has voted to limit the number of gas stations built in the community.

Four children were found dead within one hour in and around the Phoenix area on Sunday morning.

Governor DeSantis recently sat down with Eric Bolling from Newsmax for an interview.