New Mexico Allocates Over $100 Million For These New Wildlife Overpasses

By Ryan Canady | Sunday, 26 March 2023 09:45 PM
Views 3.5K

New Mexico is setting aside a lot of money to build wildlife overpasses.

Fox News reports that the state intends to build overpasses for free-roaming cougars, black bears, bighorn sheep, and other large and small creatures. The purpose of these overpasses is to allow the animals to get across the road without being hit, and that is something that has spurred the politicians in New Mexico to create these types of overhead bridges for all of the animals that they possibly can to protect them to the best of their ability.

Fox News reports that advocates for the overpasses say that they serve the unique purpose of helping get wildlife across the area's interstates and other high-traffic roads. This is a big deal because those animals can cause a lot of damage to the vehicles that they collide with. It also means that the animals can be kept safe from the massive traffic across those roads every day.


The wildlife bridge is likely to go across remote desert oilfields and Native American lands of the Navajo Nation, Jicarilla Apache Nation, and several pueblo communities, according to Fox News.

Fox News also reports several hundred animals are killed on these roads yearly. This is why advocates are doing everything they can to push for the overpasses to help keep those animals safe and secure from traffic across those roads every year.


There have been such sad incidents recently, including a 4-year-old cougar that had previously had a litter of cubs. Sadly, the cougar was killed on impact.

Glenn Harper, manager of the Santa Ana Pueblo Range and Wildlife Division, stated that the state is committed to creating safe roads for all, creating overpasses that wildlife can get across more easily. Harper also said that his division would share a lot of GPS data that it has collected on the wildlife in the area. This is the thing that can help make it easier for the state to get to a place where it can build overpasses that are truly useful for the wildlife and the commuters in the area.


Harper said: “We have a pretty good sense of where these animals want to cross the highway,” and “As communities are growing around the pueblo, it becomes a cultural preservation issue. The pueblo is closely tied and entwined with the natural world.”

The state is dedicating a significant amount of money to this project, and ensuring that the money will genuinely be spent effectively is very important.