There is a terrifying warning from Apple about its newest iPhone.

A terrifying story has come out of St.

Thursday, 06 April 2023 16:30

Nancy Pelosi Makes Major 'Oops' When Speaking With Hillary Clinton Featured

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Representative Nancy Pelosi made a faux pas recently when speaking with Hillary Clinton.

There is a legal precedent being set in court right now that many might not want to have set.

The co-director of the Center for Gender Surgery for Boston Children’s Hospital has made the controversial call for more training for doctors nationwide to receive more training for teen sex changes.

Anheuser-Busch is taking a highly unpopular stand and feels highly political to many.

Wisconsin voters are fed up with the rising crime in their state.

Thursday, 06 April 2023 05:15

Florida Dems' Latest Move Has DeSantis' Supporters All Worked Up! Featured

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Florida Democrats are trying to make a ridiculous point about the book bans by the DeSantis Administration in Florida.

Massachusetts has agreed to a $40 million settlement in a case related to a promotional exam that discriminated against Black and Hispanic candidates.

On Tuesday, First Lady Jill Biden's office attempted to address the backlash she received on social media following her idea of inviting the University of Iowa women's basketball team to the White House, despite losing to Louisiana State University in the national championship game.