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White students are forbidden to enter the common spaces in the Person of Color Theme House at the University of California, Berkeley, The College Fix reported.

Sunday, 21 August 2022 23:45

Must See: Is Trump 'Purging' RINO's?

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Talk show host Bill Maher mockingly praised former President Donald Trump for "purging" the Republicans who voted to impeach him.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) broke a policy that requires the agency to make certain results from trials it funds are published and didn’t impose consequences on parties that broke federal law governing the reporting, a watchdog has found.

As the Republican presidential primary for 2024 starts gearing up, former nominee Mitt Romney shared his view on the potential candidates, including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney. After her recent defeat to a Trump-backed opponent, Cheney candidly teased a bid for the White House — something the 2012 nominee said is not such a good idea.

State Trooper Dane Pfeiffer explained to state investigators it was barely his idea to get transferred to the North Country after getting hot and heavy in the spring of 2020 with Cara Kennedy-Cuomo – the daughter of then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo – while working in gubernatorial security.

A cemetery just outside the city of Philadelphia announced that 90 percent of new burials are victims of the city’s burgeoning violent gun crime.

Snipers from Russia and other countries opposed to the United States are vying in war games being held this week in Venezuela in events described as Olympic games for troopers that were organized not only to reveal that Moscow still has friends but also that some of them are in Latin America.

The Supreme Court on Friday forbade Georgia from using an election process that a judge deemed racially biased. Still, the justices’ order left the possibility that a lower court could reestablish it ahead of the November vote.

Former President Donald Trump announced he would file a Fourth Amendment illegal search and seizure motion over the FBI’s “illegal” search of Mar-a-Lago in a post made on TRUTH Social on Friday.

More than half of Americans say they believe an invasion is occurring on the nation's southern border, and large numbers of people, both Republicans, and Democrats, are adopting extreme outlooks about migrants, a new NPR/Ipsos poll reveals.