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Former Vice President Mike Pence said Friday that he didn’t take any confidential intelligence with him when he left office, adding 'I am not a crook' in what many interpreted as a veiled jab at President Trump who is under investigation from the FBI over allegedly having classified materials in his possession at his home.

An elementary school in New Jersey has dropped "Jefferson" from its name over former President Thomas Jefferson's record of owning slaves.

As the Republican presidential primary for 2024 starts gearing up, former nominee Mitt Romney shared his view on the potential candidates, including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney. After her recent defeat to a Trump-backed opponent, Cheney candidly teased a bid for the White House — something the 2012 nominee said is not such a good idea.

State ballot measures are becoming the new battleground over abortion access in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

A new survey published on Friday has shown that a majority of Americans do not approve of teaching children in elementary school regarding gender identity and sexual orientation.

Blake Masters, the Arizona Republican nominee for Senate, has changed his tune on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, stating he now wishes the Kentucky Republican will suggest financial support for his campaign.

White students are forbidden to enter the common spaces in the Person of Color Theme House at the University of California, Berkeley, The College Fix reported.

What does President Joe Biden’s special climate representative office led by John Kerry do as he flies around the globe in gas-guzzling jets? Even the Biden administration does not know, but that office costs American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year.

One year after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan left the nation in the hands of the Taliban and left vast quantities of military equipment behind, China and Russia are now cultivating relations with the nation, according to a new government report.

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Friday that he didn’t take any confidential intelligence with him when he left office, adding 'I am not a crook' in what many interpreted as a veiled jab at President Trump who is under investigation from the FBI over allegedly having classified materials in his possession at his home.