Comedian Alex Stein has filed a lawsuit against AOC, and it’s for blocking him on Twitter.

Russians are now ensuring they don’t waste anything on the battlefield, including weapons from the United States that they acquire.

The mayor has a significant say in decisions, and teachers know it.

After the success of his first book, Our Journey Together, Trump is now releasing a second book full of juicy, vintage content.

Four Americans traveled to Mexico last week.

Sunday, 12 March 2023 15:00

North Carolina's Anti-Riot Bill Awaiting Governor's Signature Featured

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Crime and punishment are ongoing topics in North Carolina as an anti-riot bill awaits the governor’s signature.

Saturday, 11 March 2023 02:15

George Santos' Former Roommate Tells Feds THIS... Featured

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A man convicted of credit card fraud and deported to Brazil has submitted a sworn declaration to federal authorities, alleging that Rep. George Santos, a New York Republican, orchestrated a 2017 credit card skimming operation in Seattle.

A former top official at the FBI has issued a stark warning to students considering going to Mexico for Spring Break.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper has taken issue with the fact that Tucker Carlson received and aired some tapes from January 6.

A Catholic university in Virginia has eliminated specific courses on religious studies and math, to the frustration of many.