Did The Army Actually Turn Away Americans Trying To Get Out Of Afghanistan?

By Rachel Morris | Tuesday, 30 August 2022 05:15 AM
Views 137

Even a year after the bug-out of American forces out of Afghanistan, the media is uncovering new and shameful details of the Biden Administration’s greatest debacle (so far.) The Daily Wire reports on a documentary entitled “Send Me,” which recounts an incident that occurred at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 25, 2021.

The incident involved four busloads of American citizens and Afghan allies who had the proper paperwork to board aircraft that would have evacuated them to safety as the Taliban closed in. An unnamed United States Army colonel turned them away anyway, the theory being that their papers could have been forged.

The documentary tells how military and intelligence veterans attempted to rescue Americans and Afghan allies who were left behind in the chaos of the American withdrawal. The busloads of refugees appeared at a gate at the airport where the Army colonel, a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, refused entry. He said, “No, I don’t care who they are, those people get back on those buses, and they go back into Kabul. Get em off this base!”


Members of the volunteer team suggested that the unnamed colonel sent the hundreds of people on the busses to certain death at the hands of the Taliban. A member of the group, former Force Recon Marine Chad Robichaux, stated, “Whoever just made the decision to turn this bus around essentially just killed – just murdered – these people. And by the way, some of those people are children. And some of these people were women. But some of these people are Americans, that we just sent back to the Taliban.”


Even so, the evacuation team managed to rescue 12,000 people from the Taliban, getting them out of Afghanistan. It is a story of epic courage against the backdrop of a self-inflicted catastrophe.

The bug-out has caused considerable bitterness among Afghans who helped the American forces. Fox Metro news relates an NBC interview with an Afghan interpreter who, despite everything, managed to get out of the country. He, too, had been refused entry at the Karzai Airport during the last days. Nevertheless, after ten months of running and hiding from the Taliban, the man managed to get out of Afghanistan. He suggested that if he had it to do all over again, he never would have placed himself and his family at risk by helping the Americans.