30 Club Rules All Hells Angels Have To Obey

29. Showing up for events is vital to your membership bid

Showing up to the kind of events and meetings that the Hells Angels put on is vital to make sure you are able to get into the organization at all. You won't get far if you are always coming up with excuses for why you can't be at a meeting. It might not go noticed if you have a legitimate reason to miss a meeting or two, but it will go noticed if you continue to miss out on these meetings moving forward.

If you want to make the best possible impression on an organization that you care about, then don't miss too many meetings. You should be excited about attending these meetings anyway. This is an organization that you want to devote yourself to, and the best way to do that is to go to the meetings and get the kind of experience that you truly desire for yourself.

Think about the steps that you need to take to help get yourself into the Hells Angels, and make sure you can commit to the meetings that you need to go to in order to remain in the good graces of the organization.