30 Club Rules All Hells Angels Have To Obey

28. Only wear official Hells Angels merchandise

You must make sure that you are only wearing official Hells Angels merchandise when you join this club. It is not going to be a good look to wear a vest or other piece of merchandise that is not related to the official set of merchandise that is put out by Hells Angels. Given that, you should be sure that you only ever wear official merchandise put out by the organization. This is a sign of respect for the organization, and it is an important part of the beliefs of the club.

If you are caught wearing something that is allegedly Hells Angels related but is not an official piece of their merchandise, then you will have violated a major rule of the organization, and you are likely to upset a great number of people if you don't follow through by making sure you wear only official merchandise. Make sure you are looking for the kind of official merchandise that the club has approved of. As long as you do that, you won't step on any toes, and everything will be just fine for you.