US President's IQs Ranked From Highest To Lowest

James Madison : IQ 160

One of the most influential of all the Founding Fathers and known as one of the Fathers of the Constitution, James Madison served as the nation’s fourth President. He also championed and co-authored the Bill of Rights. Perhaps many remember his name because of his wife, Dolley, 17 years younger than James. He and fellow Federalists Alexander Hamilton and John Jay produced the Federalist Papers in 1788. When he served as Thomas Jefferson’s Secretary of State, he helped negotiate the Louisiana Purchase. He was a two-term President in office during the War of 1812. Madison only weighed about 100 pounds and stood approximately 5-feet 4-inches tall. His likeness appeared on the very rare $5,000 bill. He had few hobbies besides playing chess and reading Latin and Greek literature in their original languages.