MSNBC's Claim About Trump's Bronx Rally Is ABSURD, And They Know It!

By Lisa Pelgin | Saturday, 25 May 2024 04:30 PM
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Image Credit : The Guardian

Charles Blow, a political analyst for MSNBC, has suggested that former President Donald Trump's recent rally in the Bronx was not aimed at the local populace but was instead a strategic move to appeal to white voters in swing states.

Blow made these comments during a discussion with Joy Reid on Thursday evening, following Trump's unexpected campaign stop in the heavily Democratic district.

Reid questioned the motive behind Trump's decision to hold a rally in the Bronx, a region known for its significant Black and Latino population, and where Trump has historically received little support. She asked, "What would be the point of Donald Trump going to the Bronx and bringing up [Vladimir] Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un in a place he can never win?"

In response, Blow posited that Trump's Bronx rally was a calculated attempt to counter accusations of racism. "He’s not going to win New York, he’s not going to win the Bronx, but that audience is not the Bronx," Blow stated. "The audience is everyone else in states that he could possibly win and what he tries to do — and there’s no downside for him to do this, by the way — what he’s trying to do is signal to other people, signal to people in swing states who are white and who don’t want to be thought of as voting for a racist.”


Blow further suggested that Trump's appearance in a district with a high minority population could potentially sway some voters to reconsider their perception of him. "Maybe he’s not as racist as they say," Blow speculated.


In conclusion, Blow asserted, "This has nothing to do with New York. This has nothing to do with the Bronx." The full discussion can be viewed on MSNBC.