Caught At The Border: CBP's NEW Report Is Scary As Sh*t

By Victor Smiroff | Thursday, 23 May 2024 04:30 PM
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Image Credit : Dallas Morning News

The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reported the arrest of 81 individuals on the terror watchlist attempting to cross into the country illegally since October 2023.

The data suggests that the number of encounters with individuals on the Terrorist Screening Dataset for Fiscal Year 2024 could match or even exceed the 172 reported in the previous fiscal year.

The CBP has indicated that 80 of these encounters took place along the southern border, with only one suspect attempting to enter from Canada. However, at official ports of entry, the situation was reversed, with 24 individuals attempting to enter via the southern border and 172 via the northern border.

Despite these figures, individuals on the terror watchlist represent a mere 0.0069 percent of all illegal immigrants apprehended by border patrol. Nevertheless, this percentage has been steadily increasing since President Joe Biden assumed office. In 2019, terror suspects accounted for only 0.0004 percent of all encounters, a figure that rose slightly to 0.0007 and 0.0010 percent in the subsequent years. However, in 2022, the percentage more than quadrupled to 0.0044 percent and nearly doubled again in 2023, reaching 0.0083 percent.


Senator Marco Rubio is among those attributing this surge to President Biden and the Democratic Party. "They're coming because they believe they'll be able to get here easier and they can stay," Rubio stated in an interview with Fox News. He expressed concern that terrorists are entering from regions where the U.S. lacks sufficient data, making it difficult to identify potential threats.


Rubio further cautioned that terrorist organizations might dispatch members to the U.S., exploiting what he termed as "Biden's open border." He criticized the administration for creating a situation that allows groups like ISIS and other criminal and terrorist elements easy access to the country. "He opened the door to America for ISIS and all these other criminal and terrorist element groups," Rubio asserted, "and it's put our country in grave danger."