WATCH: Another Day, Another Bout Of Biden's Verbal Diarrhea

By Javier Sanchez | Wednesday, 22 May 2024 01:00 AM
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Image Credit : El Pais

In a recent address at the NAACP Detroit Branch’s 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner, former Vice President Joe Biden erroneously claimed to have held office during the 2020 COVID pandemic.

"And when I was Vice President, things were kinda bad during the pandemic, and what happened was Barack said to me 'go to Detroit and help fix it,'" Biden stated. However, this statement was later corrected in the official White House transcript, clarifying that Biden was referring to "the recession" that took place after President Obama assumed office.

Contrary to Biden's claim, he was a Democratic presidential candidate when the pandemic began in March 2020, and only assumed office in January 2021. His tenure as Vice President under Barack Obama concluded with the inauguration of President Donald Trump in 2017.


Biden's recent visits to Detroit and Atlanta, Georgia, where he attended Morehouse College's commencement, come amidst reports of dwindling support from black voters. James Craig, former Chief of the Detroit Police Department, criticized Biden's policies as "devastating" for the black community. "Bidenomics" have led to inflation and lower real wages," Craig said, adding, "The Biden Administration’s inflation is hurting black households more than white households."


Craig also highlighted the impact of the border crisis under Biden's administration. "With Joe Biden’s border crisis, fentanyl has been pouring into our communities," he said. "Black men are at a higher risk than any other demographic to die from a drug overdose, along with American Indian and Alaska Native men."

A recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College indicated a shift in political allegiance among black and Hispanic voters in five key swing states, including Michigan, towards the former President.