WATCH: CBS Correspondent Sheds DIM Light On "Controversial" Chants At College Protests

By Greg Moriarty | Sunday, 05 May 2024 09:30 AM
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Image Credit : CBS News Getty Images

During a recent segment on "CBS Mornings," correspondent Lilia Luciano shed light on the controversial use of the term "intifada" at anti-war protests taking place on college campuses nationwide.

Luciano explained that while some view the term as a symbol of resistance, others perceive it as an incitement to violence.

Luciano presented footage of protesters chanting, "There is only one solution, intifada revolution." She explained that "intifada," an Arabic term, is often used to denote an uprising, but it also harks back to periods of lethal confrontations between Palestinians and Israelis.

The correspondent also shared a clip featuring Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council's Middle East Programs. Alkhatib highlighted that the intifadas were marked by violence and bloodshed, including suicide bombings against Israel.


Luciano further reported that a Jewish professor at Columbia University told her that the students are merely calling for a rebellion against the situation in Gaza, interpreting "intifada" as a call for revolution. However, she expressed her wish for people to consider the potential interpretations of the term "intifada."