Watch Insane Video: Texas Teacher Caught Normalizing Pedophilia In Class

By Shelby Stone | Monday, 12 September 2022 02:15 AM
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A Texas teacher has come under fire for how she normalized the idea of someone being attracted to underage persons as an adult. The teacher was caught on a video by a student in her class.

You can hear her as she tells the class: "We're not going to call them that. We're going to call them MAPs, minor-attracted persons," Parker said as students objected in the background. "So don't judge people just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old." This educator seems to be advocating for this type of situation. The student who recorded the video later posted it to Tik Tok where it quickly gained views and eventually went viral. This is how the parents and staff at the school came to find out about this educator's misguided attempt at inclusive language.

An independent member of the El Paso Independent School District's Board of Trustees made the statement that: "After hearing from some of the students that were in the class, including my nephew, I believe now that the teacher that appeared to be promoting and normalizing pedophilia was pretending to advocate a position she didn't believe in challenging the students in preparation for them reading the book 'The Crucible,'" he wrote.


If it is true that the teacher was playing devil's advocate to entice her class to learn, her attempt was deeply inappropriate, and she could have chosen a different example to make the same point. And parents are outraged that their children would be in the class of anyone who thought this practice would be the best strategy to teach the students.


A well-respected publication, the Christian Post, made the statement: "The controversy surrounding the term "minor-attracted persons" comes as parents across the country have voiced concerns about their children's public schools embracing of LGBT ideology and other topics many see as inappropriate for young." children." This feeling posted on sums up the whole thing well and attempts to show that Christian values are important and embedded in these parts of Texas.