Counter Punch: Pastors Are Combatting Child Indoctrination With This Move

By Ryan Canady | Saturday, 26 November 2022 10:25 AM
Views 6.2K

Drag queens reading books to children seems to be the latest craze right now, and it seems like there isn't going to be any answer or challenge to this.

That is until pastors started to get involved. Some of these pastors are now providing an alternative to the drag queen story.

Pastor story hour is now getting a lot of play as pastors are visiting local libraries to read Bible-themed storybooks to children. This gives them the opportunity to read something that is religiously based and can provide children with the chance to hear about some of the most beloved Bible stories that adults love.

Dale Partridge of Prescott, Arizona, and Michael Foster of Batavia, Ohio, have invited pastors around the country to open up their own story hours reading books with a biblical message about gender and sexuality. This is meant to be a counterpoint to the stories being read during Drag Queen story hours. After all, many people are highly concerned about having their children only exposed to one view of sexuality told from a liberal perspective.


Partridge said the following when speaking with the Daily Caller:

"Why are drag queens seemingly more interested in influencing the children in their community than pastors? Why are the lost more committed to the systematic and cultural evangelization of the public than American Christians are to evangelizing the gospel?"


He wanted to point out how important it is that a religious message get through to children as well. After all, they might never get the chance to hear these messages if they aren't brought directly to them by pastors who truly care.

So far, things are off to a hit. Partridge said that approximately 15 to 20 children and their parents attended a pastor story hour held at the Cottonwood Public Library in Arizona. It seems like there is interest in hearing stories from local pastors. It is not all about hearing from drag queens.