Forgotten 1970s TV Shows That Will Tickle Your Memory

Holmes And Yoyo

A fantasy sitcom from ABC in which bumbling Detective Sergeant Alexander Holmes (Richard B Schull) is partnered with a robot named YoYo (John Schuck) who looks just like a human. Because Holmes' previous partners have been injured due to his continuous clumsiness and bad luck, Gregory Yoyonovich (named after his creator), who weighs 427 pounds, is expected to be impervious to Holmes-inspired accidents. ABC had high hopes for this program, and John Schuck, who had previously played Sergeant Enright, a comical sidekick in producer Leonard Stern's lighthearted mystery comedy McMillan and Wife on NBC, was hired to play the lead. Despite failing as a TV series, Future Cop (1976 – 1977) borrowed from the same premise and delivered a comparable storyline, but RoboCop, a more violent interpretation of the theme, became a movie hit three times (1987 – 1991) before being made into a moderately successful TV program (1994).