Super User

Saturday, 05 June 2021 22:08

Nick Cave

“Political correctness has grown to become the unhappiest religion in the world. Its once honorable attempt to re-imagine our society in a more equitable way now embodies all the worst aspects that religion has to offer (and none of the beauty) — moral certainty and self-righteousness even of the capacity for redemption" -Nick Cave-
Saturday, 05 June 2021 21:59

Gina Carano

‘The Mandalorian,’ star Carano defied many social media pushes to get her fired or canceled this year. Through her Twitter account, she has faced baseless accusations of racism and transphobia for liking tweets from conservative influences
Saturday, 05 June 2021 21:44

Nick Searcy

Searcy upped his outspokenness on conservative policies in 2020, becoming especially critical of Covid-19 restrictions orders in California and politicians like Gov. Gavin Newsom pretending to follow the new rules, but then openly defying them.
Saturday, 05 June 2021 21:38

Ricky Gervais

Hollywood award shows have become the essence of what America dislikes about Hollywood high-horse political preaching, out of touch views, constantly shifting social justice goalposts, It’s nonsense, and it was a breath of fresh air to see a comedian like Ricky call it out as such.