Party In A Panic? Another Senator Is Threatening To Leave The GOP...

By Victor Smiroff | Monday, 25 March 2024 10:15 PM
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Senator Lisa Murkowski, the moderate Republican representing Alaska known for her independent stance within the party, has hinted at the possibility of leaving the GOP.

In a recent interview on CNN's "Inside Politics," Senator Murkowski expressed her dissatisfaction with the current state of the Republican Party, stating, "I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump." She emphasized the importance of having a Republican nominee she could support.

When questioned about the prospect of becoming an independent, Senator Murkowski acknowledged her independent-minded approach, indicating a potential shift away from the GOP. She mentioned the option of caucusing with Republicans as an independent, drawing parallels to Senators Bernie Sanders, Angus King, and Kyrsten Sinema, who align with Democrats despite being independents.


Reflecting on the evolving political landscape, Senator Murkowski remarked, "I am navigating my way through some very interesting political times." This contemplation comes after her unconventional victory in 2010 when she secured a second term as a senator through a write-in campaign after losing the Republican primary to Joe Miller.

Senator Murkowski's deliberation underscores the growing divide within the Republican Party and the increasing appeal of independent politics in today's polarized climate.