DeSantis Declares War On Cartels: Calling For These Drastic Measures If He Becomes Chief

By Jean Robor | Sunday, 02 July 2023 07:25 PM
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Ron DeSantis, governor of the Sunshine State, said that if he becomes President of the United States, he will implement a new set of “rules of engagement” to deter Mexican cartels from attempting to smuggle drugs across the southern border.

According to the Daily Wire, the Republican Presidential hopeful said, “If you are in the cartels cutting through our fence to bring drugs in … that’s going to be the last thing you do. We’re going to leave you STONE COLD DEAD.”

During a Thursday evening Fox News interview, Jessee Watters asked DeSantis about his recent visit to the U.S.-Mexico border while in Texas and whether it had changed his perspective on immigration.

“It confirmed what I had known,” DeSantis replied. “And it’s worse than you think when you actually get down there. And the impunity with which the cartels operate. I was literally in a place in Arizona; there is a piece of wall that just kind of stops. So the guy just goes on the other side of where the wall ends, looks out, and he just motions for people to go. There’s no border patrol to be found; they’re in town processing people. And so they’re bringing product into our country.”


DeSantis continued, expressing concern about the violence associated with cartels, saying, “They’re killing a lot of people. So one of the things that I saw — the places where there were barriers, the cartels will actually cut through the steel beams, and they’ll smuggle in backpacks with a lot of drugs. So what I said is, wait a minute, we defend the territory of our own country. We’ll have military and everyone down there. If you are in the cartels cutting through our fence to bring drugs in, that’s going to be the last thing you do because we’re going to leave you stone-cold dead. We are having adequate rules of engagement.”

If DeSantis becomes President, Mexican drug cartels better think twice before continuing business as usual.