Bring It On: This Candidate Announces 2024 Run With Mind-Blowing $6 Million Ad

By Ryan Canady | Sunday, 21 May 2023 12:00 PM
Views 8.2K

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott’s campaign has announced his run for President and will launch a $6 million television advertisement campaign next week.

The Daily Caller announced that Scott has dropped $5.5 million on a television ad buy in the critical early states of Iowa and New Hampshire. Those ads will run through the primary debate between the different G.O.P. candidates. The ads will run on cable television as well as satellite and radio.

"This campaign is built to win and has the resources and messenger to deliver a Republican nomination and ultimately the White House."


This ad buy represents one of the largest of any G.O.P. candidates. The Senator announced he was forming an exploratory committee on April 12. This move allowed him to begin to fundraise without officially stating that he was throwing his hat in the ring to run for the nomination. Once he formally announces, he will be allowed to transfer those funds to his official Presidential campaign.


The video for Scott's campaign hinted at his Judeo-Christian views and some of the issues he might run on while on the campaign trail. For example, he highlighted that he would be on top of parental rights in education, solving the border crisis, and working on protecting the right to life. In many cases, these issues have been at the forefront of the news and the G.O.P. platform. Therefore, Scott is attempting to position himself as a candidate that Republican voters and their morals can get behind.

There is something about a candidate getting ahead of the news cycle and doing everything possible to get his name out in front of as many G.O.P. voters as possible.